There are 26 letters in the alphabet. Combine those letters together in various ways and you make words that make sentences that make paragraphs that make stories. However, when a certain combination of six of those letters combine it can tear apart those stories, paragraphs, sentences, words…and just leave you utterly speechless. Cancer. When i got the phone call about this session i was so moved. A woman, only two years older than myself was facing her mortality. She made the choice to be aggresive and play the offense. She has two small daughters and a husband that she is living for. She is brave. She is a fighter. She is gentle and beautiful and real. During this session i saw a woman who had a peace about her that was visual. You could SEE and FEEL her calm. Her identity is wrapped up in more than her breasts. More than what she is losing. It is in her God, her husband, her children, and in her fight. She is choosing to remove both of her breasts. She wants to be here to see her children grow and celbrate many many more years with her high school sweetheart. She wants to LIVE. I admire her. I see in this woman a strength so many of us wish we had. I know i wish i had it.
I am a beliver in Christ. I believe that my God STILL heals. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Cancer is a name and Jesus is the name above EVERY name. Cancer has NO authority, no right. It MUST leave. Healing is the children’s bread and i thank Him that His healing power is touching her right now. I thank Him for a complete and total healing; physical, emotional, spiritual. Thank you, Lord…. For LIFE!


October 16, 2013


richmond weddings

Virginia Bride

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The knot

The black tie bride

why you should work with us

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about my clients. Past, present, and future. I strive for a relationship that extends further than their wedding day. The industry is constantly changing and I strive to keep up with new standards while holding true to my style.  

We value our clients time, energy and strive to make the experience easy and fun.

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