Kelly, this incredibley beautiful little girl’s mother, never ceases to amaze me with her creativity! Every month she has these super cute themes and props for Khloe’s sessions! I seriously want to hire her one day!! So as you can see, May’s theme is Khloe’s Tattoo Boutique! One of my best friends messaged me after seing these and was raving! She LOVED this theme! It is such a neat idea and contrast to other girly themes (which we definitely do, too)…. June we will be working on her 4th of July pictures! I honestly can’t wait to see what Kelly comes up with next! This momma LOVES her little girl and is an AMAZING mother! Khloe is so lucky to get her as a mother! XOXO
There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about my clients. Past, present, and future. I strive for a relationship that extends further than their wedding day. The industry is constantly changing and I strive to keep up with new standards while holding true to my style.